Purchases: How do I restore my subscription on another device? Answer: You can restore and use all In-App purchases, including subscriptions, across multiple devices as long as you are using the same Apple ID to both ...
Purchases: Is the PRO version price per year or per month? Answer: The PRO version In-App purchase is a one-time charge for as long as the app is available on the App Store. In other words, the ...
Scoreboard Settings: Is there anyway to quickly hide/show the scoreboard? Answer: From the ScoreCam, the easiest way to hide/show the scoreboard is to tap the video timer (example: tap on 00:00:00) at the top of the ...
Scoreboard Settings: How do I access the Scoreboard Settings? Answer: On the ScoreCam app you can do this two ways: (1) Go to Settings (gear icon on the top right of the page) -> tap ...
Scoreboard Remote: Is there a way to control ScoreCam from a different device? Answer: Of course! Check out the Scoreboard Remote for ScoreCam page and this FAQ for more information: How to connect a remote to ScoreCam
Here is the link to ...
Purchases: How does the 1-Week Free Trial work? Answer: When you purchase the 1 Month or 1 Year subscription you have 1 FREE week to evaluate ScoreCam using the version you pruchased. Payments will ...