Please see the new ScoreCam FAQ

ScoreCam and Scoreboard Remote Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questons (FAQ) (ARCHIVE)

Here is a list of our most popular questions about ScoreCam and ScoreCam Remote. Have a question? Just send us an email at


How does the 1-Week Free Trial work?

When you purchase the 1 Month or 1 Year subscription you have 1 free week to evaluate ScoreCam. If you decide you would like to cancel the subscription, you can do that by following these instructions. You will still be able to use ScoreCam until your free week has expired so be sure to take advantage of that! If you decide later you do want to subscribe, after you have cancelled, you can just renew the subscription but you would not keep getting a free week each time.

What are the limitations when no In-App content is purchased?

If you have not made any In-App purchases, you are limited to 2 minutes (or 120 seconds) of video recording time and do not have access to the PRO features. In addition, you are not able to make any modifications to the scoreboard and you are not able to use the Scoreboard Remote features.

How do I access the Settings (Main and Scoreboard)?

Two ways. You can access the Settings menu by clicking the Gear icon in the main menu bar (Main Settings), or jump directly to the Scoreboard Settings with a tap and hold in the Scoreboard area.



How do I change the team names and colors?

You can modify the team names, colors, switch sides and adjust the current score all from Scoreboard Settings (tap and hold on the Scoreboard area).

How do I turn on/off the scoreboard?

The scoreboard can be turned on/off in either the Main Settings area or, if using an iPad, the Scoreboard On/Off toggle

TIP: To quickly hide or show the scoreboard, tap the recording timer label.

How do I watch the Videos I've made?

You can watch any videos, or see your photos by clicking on the Library button in ScoreCam. You can also save your videos to the Photos Library where you can access them from your Photos app. By default, ScoreCam saves your videos into the 'ScoreCam' album.

Where are my videos? or Why do videos no longer get saved to the Photos Library in the Photos app?

Disable the "Save Videos Locally" option under settings to save photos and videos directly to the Photos Library.

In case of a crash during recording, videos are still recovered in the "Local Files" area (Library -> "View Local Files" button at bottom of screen)

I shut down the app before my video saved, did I lose it?

You shouldn't. ScoreCam will restart the save process once you re-launch the app. You will also get a warning message saying the video was recovered.

My video didn't save, what happened?

Make sure you have adequate space for recording your videos! Also check the "Local Files" area from the "Library" icon. (Photos Library -> View Local Files button at bottom of screen)

How much space do I need for my videos?

On average you are going to need approx. 40MB per minute for HD video (1080p). So a 10 minute video will consume almost 400MB. If you use the Pause/Resume feature, you won't use nearly as much space, but keep an eye on the recording time so you'll be able to gauge.

TIP: If you have an iPhone 7 or better you can save 1/2 the space by selecting the video Custom Settings option and using the "High Efficiency" option.



What do all the Live Streaming settings mean?

Check out the Live Streaming help section.

ScoreCam indicates that I am Streaming Live but YouTube (or other service) says it is not receiving data. What to do?

Gray (no data) health indicator

Orange (Ok) health indicator

Green (Good) health indicator

Allow a minute or two of streaming for the indicators to show accurate information. If the health indicator is showing a gray color there is no data being uploaded so make sure you have an internet connection and it supports streaming. You may have to call your internet service provider.

A green indication is what you want but sometimes that is not possible, especially if you are competing for bandwidth at a tournament where WiFi and phone services are at their peak. A red indicator means likely means your stream will appear choppy and are dropping video frames.

Some other things to try:




How do I download the Scoreboard Remote?

From the App Store: ScoreCam's Scoreboard Remote

What do all the settings mean?

Check out the Scoreboard Remote help section.